The Pipemaster Pro The Antex Pipemaster Pro is designed to provide a clean and safe solution for making soldered joints of copper pipes. The tool does not require any special fittings just standard presoldered or non-presoldered copper joints. The Pro Tool has more than twice the power with Temperature Control of our DIY tool, the Pro with clean heads and good contact can make 1/2 joints in under 10secs. The temperature of the heads is maintained around 950 F, this enables the user to make more joints quickly and efficiently, whilst being safe and without the worry of a Naked Flame. The advantage off temperature control is that less heat is applied to the joint, this prevents the heat build up in the pipes. The heat build up can make disassembly of systems hard work because the pipe expands into the joint, the Pro prevents the heat build up making disassembly easy. The other advantage using the temperature controlled version and preventing heat build up, is when you are using freezing tool to block the fluid flow. The lower heat build allows the user to make the joint closer to the frozen section of the pipe. The unit is also suitable for the professional who has to make a joint but where the flame could cause more damage. (under counter tops, along skirting boards etc). CHECK OUT THE VIDEO buildproductsNovember 21, 2011Comment
There is money in apartments! Builders have found a way to make money in a decrepit home market: Apartments. CLICK HERE FOR STORY buildproductsNovember 18, 2011Comment
NW Ductless Show was huge success for us! Great way to kickoff November! buildproductsNovember 1, 2011Comment
Mt. Rainier - the view from our booth! Northwest Ductless Heat Pump Project - Tradeshow buildproductsNovember 1, 2011Comment
Builders hit bottom. Hopefully it's all up from here! Builders May Be Hitting a Bottom Click here for story! buildproductsOctober 27, 2011Comment
Some positive housing news. buildproductsOctober 19, 2011Comment
Good News! Number Of Improving Housing Markets Nearly Doubles In October buildproductsOctober 9, 2011Comment
Are you ready for the 2011 NW Ductless Heat Pump Project Workshop? It's November 1, 2011 at the Greater Tacoma Convention & Trade Center, Tacoma, WA. buildproductsOctober 3, 2011Comment
No Rise in Home Prices Until 2020 buildproductsOctober 3, 2011Comment
Housing Starts Still Not Looking Good! buildproductsOctober 3, 2011Comment
Smartphone and tablet technology helps increase productivity and sales opportunities. buildproductsOctober 3, 2011Comment